
Things to do in spring

In spring, nature awakens from its winter slumber, and everything blooms again. In early spring during the melting of snow - it used to be at the turn of March and April, yet tends to happen increasingly earlier in recent years - the most powerful floods occur. This is the so-called fifth season in Soomaa.

After the floodwaters recede, the canoeing season on the rivers of Soomaa begins. As for hikes in the wetlands, one can certainly go on foot along the boardwalks and hiking trails but snowshoes are banned during this season - it is a nationwide policy in Estonia to avoid disturbing the birds that nest on the ground.

After a long winter, the animals are more active than usual. In addition to local domestic and wild animals, Soomaa region is also home to more exotic residents - at the Alpaca Farm you can observe alpacas and llamas, guanacos and Cameroon goats.

Spring weather can be unpredictable. How wonderful it is to end the day by going to a warm sauna. Find your favourite among the saunas Soomaa - the largest choice of different saunas awaits you at Soomaa Holiday Village, while the smallest sauna building is Senni's Sauna at Klaara-Manni Holiday Center.

Soomaa Turism MTÜ ühendab Soomaa turismipiirkonnas tegutsevaid ettevõtteid.

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