Adventurous day in Soomaa National Park

This adventurous day in Soomaa National Park is a combination of a bog-shoe hike and canoeing.
An experienced guide leads you through the forest to Estonia's biggest bog –Kuresoo. A pair of special bog-shoes will help you in crossing parts of the bog you would otherwise be unable to, offering an unforgettable experience. The bog-shoes keep your head above water and protect the landscape at the same time! After a lunch in the great outdoors, we continue on with a relaxing canoe trip along the national park's rivers.


  • Maximum number of participants: 15
  • Minimum number of participants: 2
  • English
  • Swedish
  • Estonian
  • German
  • Russian
  • Duration: 1
  • Suitable for children
  • Viewing platform
  • Drop Toilet
Soomaa Turism MTÜ ühendab Soomaa turismipiirkonnas tegutsevaid ettevõtteid.

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