Klaara-Manni Holiday and Conference Centre

The Klaara-Manni Holiday Centre, surrounded by greenery, welcomes both nature lovers and event organisers.
A holiday in the nature with family and friends.
Next to us, you can find forest trails and nearby are the Pärnu River, the historical town of Tori, and the Soomaa National Park. You can go on a bog trip or a canoe ride on the rivers
Weddings, parties, and corporate events
Melanie Seminar House for up to 130 people, Laali glass pavilion for up to 150 people, Senni sauna and Vilhelmiine grill house for up to 15 people
Accommodation for up to 100 people
Rooms and cottages with private entrances
Healthy food from local ingredients
We have fresh air and lots of space!


  • Pets allowed
  • Fridge
  • Washing machine
  • Free parking
  • TV in recreation room
  • Internet access
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Camping area
  • WC
  • Motor home/caravan parking
  • WiFi
  • Recreation room
  • Children's playroom
  • Outdoor terrace
  • Seminar room
  • Recreation area/picnic ground
  • Sauna complex
  • Sport equipment hire
  • Sports facilities
  • Barbecue area
  • Kids' playground
  • Billiards
  • Landscaped area
  • Swimming area
  • Bike rental
  • Breakfast for additional fee
  • Meals available if booked in advance
  • Bed linen
  • Rooms for disabled guests
  • Internet (WiFi)
  • Shower
  • Rooms total: 25
  • Beds: 100
  • Number of houses/buildings total: 3
  • Number of places for caravans: 5
  • Motor home/caravan servicing
  • Transfer service
  • Kitchen available
  • Motor home/caravan water supply
  • Motor home/caravan power supply
  • Motor home/caravan rubbish depot
  • Presentation equipment
  • Meals
Soomaa Turism MTÜ ühendab Soomaa turismipiirkonnas tegutsevaid ettevõtteid.

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