Põnka Holiday Farm

We are located near the Tori Horse Breeding Farm and Soomaa National Park in Tori Rural Municipality, Pärnu County amid pure Estonian nature, where you can observe the movement and actions of wild animals and birds.


  • Pets allowed
  • TV in recreation room
  • Free parking
  • Washing machine
  • Fridge
  • Camping area
  • WC
  • Motor home/caravan parking
  • WiFi
  • Recreation room
  • Internet access
  • Outdoor terrace
  • Computer available
  • Seminar room
  • Recreation area/picnic ground
  • Sauna complex
  • Sport equipment hire
  • Sports facilities
  • Barbecue area
  • Kids' playground
  • Landscaped area
  • Swimming area
  • Bike rental
  • Breakfast for additional fee
  • Meals available if booked in advance
  • Shared facilities
  • Internet (WiFi)
  • Extra bed available
  • Family rooms
  • Kettle
  • Rooms total: 10
  • Beds: 26
  • Number of beds in the high season: 26
  • Number of beds in the low season: 26
  • Number of beds in winter: 26
  • Twin: 9
  • Double: 2
  • Number of houses/buildings total: 2
  • Beds in house/home/building: 26
  • Number of places for caravans: 2
  • Camping area: 50
  • Meals
  • Kitchen available
  • Motor home/caravan power supply
  • Transfer service
Soomaa Turism MTÜ ühendab Soomaa turismipiirkonnas tegutsevaid ettevõtteid.

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